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Our website is only setup to assign a default delivery fee based on the zip code not the street location. However, zip codes for Winchester stretch across the entire county.


In order to accurately charge based on the actual distance & road conditions, we will adjust the delivery charge when we process your order. You may see either a decrease or increase in final delivery charge for your order.



(For example; Winchester 22602- could be Walmart Drive, a $5.99 delivery charge or could be Shawneeland, a $19.99 delivery charge. )



Not all roads in Winchester/ Frederick / Clarke county are paved, two lane, and accessible during snowy/icy/extremely stormy conditions. Not all driveways are marked/easily accessible. These conditions also effect our delivery charges for certain areas.


Purchaser (aka Sender) agrees that by purchasing perishable items all sales are final.  If the recipient leaves work early (business deliveries) or is out of town unexpectedly (home deliveries), it is not cause for a refund/exchange as we have fulfilled our obligation.  Our obligation being delivering perishable product, to the address requested, on the date requested as ordered by the purchaser aka sender.




Purchaser (aka Sender) agrees that by purchasing perishable items all sales are final.  If the recipient leaves work early (business deliveries) or is out of town unexpectedly (home deliveries), it is not cause for a refund/exchange as we have fulfilled our obligation.  Our obligation being delivering perishable product, to the address requested, on the date requested as ordered by the purchaser aka sender.